Nadia was one of the Organizers of the IV Latin American Theater of the Oppressed Festival, which took place in Matagalpa, Nicaragua (the previous festivals have taken place in Argentina, Guatemala, and Bolivia). The Festival gathered over 300 people from 23 countries including Germany, Spain, Canada, and the U.S. There were 14 performances, 7 different workshops, public space interventions, work in 20 communities around the country, workshop performances, a closing parade and more magical activities. The Festival promoted an environment for reflection and discussion about social issues such as racism, prejudice and discrimination on the basis of race, gender, disabilities and sexual orientation, gender violence and gender disparities, migration and immigration, machismo,
street harassment, the myths and oppressions of romantic love (as defined by society), LGBTQ rights, and feminism, among others.
It was a wonderful event that brought together talent, love, and social action. Nadia is proud to have been one of the organizers of such incredible event!